Tea Tree Oil is one of the versatile essential oils and due to its antibacterial properties it is one of the most effective zit zappers.
Mix a few drops of tree oil with clean water and use it as a toner with a cotton pad after washing your face clean. Make sure the solution is diluted to around 5%concentration of tea tree oil. Then moisturize as usual. Doing this regularly will give you a clean blemish free skin. You will be surprised to see how well this works.
You can also make a moisturizing mask using aloe vera gel and adding a few drops of tea tree oil to it.
This mask can be left overnight and provides excellent benefits for acne. Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory and does not clog pores and tea tree oil helps clear the bacterial infection.
Use caution to have the tea tree oil properly diluted before using on your skin.
Use this regularly and enjoy your blemish free skin!